hmm.....juz came bac from friend's room....n was happily chatting n drinking ( soft drinks only ) with them...juz feel so relax every time hanging out with them. kinda tired recently. responsibilities, works and self expectation make me feel tired n really wanna have a nice rest for tat. TGI :P friday midnight has always been the most relaxing moment for me, drinking n 1 more, soft piano pieces....tats juz so perfect. few of us finished a bottle of martini n had a few puff of shisha. juz bang the night nicely. recently quite addicted with redd's ha...enjoy taking responsibilities, enjoy working , n more self expectation to improve myself n 1 more, juz found out something. a nice quote:
swt la Billy, and that day only I posted about REEDS sigh ... royalty fees pls ><
hey money ah....
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