Saturday, April 25, 2009

quick update

geez...everything gonna end soon. the hectic schedule, lacking of personal time etc...

just realize that it's been a long time i never drink beer alone, not even a sip or a drop... used to do that quite often, drinking alone late in midnight, browsing through blogs and websites, it's or i should use the word it was part of my life before this, quite miss that though. listening to the song 'love is simple' covered by joanna wang. call me emo or whatever now, it just makes me feel a little sorrow in my heart now.

i have been telling myself to remember that verse ' if you wanna lead people, use your heart; if you wanna lead yourself, use your head ' which means ask you not to be emotional when leading your ownself. yea, it's true and it's useful. throughout this period, juz keep telling myself not to be emotional in doing anything.

now, recalling back to whatever i did in this year, i just smile, telling myself that i am going to achieve it and it will come to an end, least i am doing the things i like. i learn and i grow through it. i had a good fight, i know about that. getting into other's life, knowing them more and even find more friends who are truely stand by you. it's really an extra point there rather than some who only cock more than work.

a nearly RM80,000 project, our dream to make it a reality and we will achieve soon, making it the best ever.

~tonight we unite, together we ignite~


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